Hope & Grace International

Wonderful work of God among the Karamojongs

Almost a year ago, we sent a team to Abim which is on the outer edges of the Karamojong territory. After they returned to our base one of the team members, Jenifer stayed behind to visit her mother.  One day she decided to take a translator and go up into the hills to find some Karamojong warriors.  


She came upon eight men sitting around drinking their local brew. She asked them if she could have a few minutes of their time and they said yes.  She began sharing our Gospel presentation with them and in the middle one man stood up and threw up his hands and cried out with tears, I have killed so many people can God forgive me then he fell to his knees. At the end of her presentation all eight men were saved. Afterwards the warriors took her inside their homestead where she shared with the women and children and several more surrendered their lives to Christ. Unfortunately, the Uganda government closed all travel for several months, so we were uncertain about what had happened to those 8 men and their families, when travel was opened back up, we immediately sent a team to Kotido another Karamojong town, and we dispatched someone to the homestead of those first eight men who came to Christ. Their hearts were still strong after Christ. From that trip 486 salvations, 44 water baptisms, 12 leaders emerged and were trained, 26 groups were formed. The 12 leaders were trained and encouraged by phone and they continued to train group members on ground, these also went out to share the Gospel. And by the time the following trip was made, the groups and leaders had multiplied by 2 in March 2022. Hence having 52 groups and 24 group leaders.