Hope & Grace International

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The karamajong are cattle herders (rustlers)

Who live in a very violent, primitive and hostile environment.

Check out what the Lord has done!

Our mission at Hope and Grace is to reach, love, train and empower people to fulfil the great commission.

We desire to impact our world by being a Holy Spirit sensitive and Bible teaching community.

By the grace and enabling of God, plant 15,000 disciple making home churches and see 650,000 people make decisions for Christ by 2025

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Disciple Making Movement

Hope & Grace International

We are a Disciple Making Movement and have been involved in ministry to Africa since the 1970’s. First in West Africa and later in Uganda and South Sudan. We first ministered in South Sudan in 1998. Now we are in 9 different Nations.

  • Disciple Making

    Our Africa base is in northern Uganda simply because this is where the refugees from South Sudan began pouring into when civil war broke out in December of 2013. Previously we were doing four main things, village crusades, school assemblies, children’s ministry and leadership development. We had seen around 160,000 people...

What We Do

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Can you imagine if your country had been in almost continuous war for 65 years? That is the case with South Sudan. Is it any wonder that they don’t know how to solve disputes peacefully?

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We are working among some of the poorest people on the continent of Africa teaching them to win their friends, relatives and neighbors to Christ and to grow life-altering discipleship movements.

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We have effectively used radio to spread our Disciple Making Movement among new areas, Refugee camps and host community.

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Our leadership training is helping people become free from the bondage of animism. We are training people with biblical principals to bring hope and healing to their communities.

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It is our privilege to empower women to be what God has called them to. And to overcome generations of negative input that is embedded in the culture. We encourage women to believe better about themselves than they grew up hearing.

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It is our goal to take the Good news about Jesus throughout East and Central Africa through our Disciple Making Movement .


Our Beginning

South Sudan is the newest nation on earth. It has been in civil war off and on since 1956. This is an immensely important time in the history of this new nation and all of Africa. Gary and Louise Short are asking people all over the world to join with us in watching the nation develop and praying for peace and the spread of the Gospel. The future of South Sudan is uncertain, the prayers of God's people can make a difference. We are asking you to join us in daily prayer for all of Sudan and especially for the South..

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The words of God the Father to Jesus, “You are my son. Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession.” (Psalms 2:8)  Jesus accepted this call to be Savior of the world and as He was returning to the Father, He gave this assignment to his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matt 28:18-19)